In 2021 I got the dream chance to work with the amazing team at Arkane Austin on Redfall. I worked as a technical designer making systems and assisting the Level Design team. One mission I worked exstensively on is One of Us featured here.
I am enormously proud of the work we did on this game.
As a technical designer at High Voltage Software, I've been able to make my mark designing and programming for one of the most popular games of all time as they are co-developing with Epic Games on Fortnite. I work in UE 4 and primarily writing gameplay and UI systems in both Blueprint and C++.

Longshot: Homecoming
I had the opportunity to work as a contract technical designer with the EA Sports Madden team on Longshot Homecoming. I worked with other designers to implement the gameplay scenarios found in the mode using the visual scripting tools in the Frostbite Engine. I also worked closely with the audio engineers to implement their commentary into our segments and modified the in-engine cutscenes to fit their commentary. When needed, I also assisted the art team and animated some of the background characters in the narrative scenes, making for a more immersive experience.
Oracle is a tactical rpg where the player can use precognition to overcome overwhelming odds. Initially, I was a game designer for the project, writing backstories to characters and designing the loot system. After a programmer left the team I became a full-time programmer to fill the gap and programmed the Inventory system, combat UI, and shopkeep systems.
The Draft
The Draft is a VR game that blends the strategic elements of an RTS with a melee combat game where the player plays in a futuristic sport. I joined this team mid-production, giving me a new challenge in onboarding myself and getting acclimated to their team dynamic. I primarily worked with the sound engineer, writing and implementing the audio to enhance the immersion and feel of being a competitor in the arena. I also worked with the lead artist to design the UI elements to make them feel more sports like. My IT experience played a role on this team as well as I was tasked with finding and fixing numerous bugs and helping set up computers for playtesting.
Time Ripples
Time Ripples is a short game in which the player is tasked with stealing precious artifacts from a spaceship using time-altering powers. This was a two-person project with myself and a level designer. I programmed the entire game and designed the time mechanics: Reverse Time, Slow Time, and Speed Time. The most challenging one was Reverse Time since it involved creating a system in which keyframes were recorded and played back in reverse on the player’s input. I also created several tools in C# that allowed my partner to modify variables on the fly. If you’re wondering who those talented voice actors are, they’re us! We recorded it all ourselves, leading to the sometimes awkward, sometimes funny, banter.